v0.37.1 Patch Notes

Update - v0.37.1 Patch Notes

* Player score, deaths and kills are maintained after each round. (Eventually there will be a round limit and winner declared) * Increased pistol damage, adjusted recoil, and fire rate as well.
* Subject Air Control Tweaks
* Subject can no longer pull a grenade out if there is no ammo for it.
* Subject can no longer ravage while holding a grenade. * Wallstick now checks for a certain height before letting you stick. * P90 Spread Rate Increased
* P90 Now has 4 clips

* Grenade now uses Shimmer Material
* Grenade now has a light attached to it to make it easier to spot
* Grenade Fuse Shortened
* Grenade Damage Increased

* Containment Team now has increased eye height

Bug Fixes - Still Need Thoroughly Tested
* Fixed bug that would show the old scoreboard under certain circumstances.
* Fixed bug that would cause multiple subjects.
* Fixed bug where round would not end.
* Fixed bug where you would get duplicate names in scoreboard.
* Fixed bug where score board would sometimes break showing no players.


Project Void 0.40 2 GB
Version 33 Nov 03, 2018

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